
You find here the programs and other files for download.


"Process Engineering Suite - Air and Flue Gas", which contain the following programs:

- HS-SKLAD V 3.2
- HS-FIRE V 3.2
- HS-PsiDrop V 3.2
- HS-Tropfen V 3.2

You can here download the programs. After installation and registration you have 10 days left for testing the software. Their computer must have InterNet connection in order to get the demo license.

Installation program (5080 kB)

Manuals to the programs (PDF - format):

- Manual HS-SKLAD (460 kB)
- Manual HS-FIRE (400 kB)
- Manual HS-PsiDrop (831 kB)
- Manual HS-Tropfen (354 kB)

Fuels for HS-FIRE:

- Natural gas and coal (8 kB)